Warm Beer, Cold Coffee

Motherhood | Lifestyle | Healthy Living

Crafting Corner: Fundraising Auction for Breast Cancer

Crafting Corner: Fundraising Auction for Breast Cancer

Morning y’all and welcome back! As some of you may know my mom, Lisa Weaver, battled and defeated aggressive stage 3 breast cancer (read more about it here). When you are a loved one of someone going through a hardship like that, it is easy to feel completely helpless. But if there is anything my mom’s cancer journey taught me it is to keep fighting and never stop working towards your goals.

So today I am here to share with you how I keep fighting for my mom and others who have gone through breast cancer. In university I was a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Our philanthropy was for breast cancer awareness and education, which was the perfect way for me to get involved with something that hit so close to home. We raised close to $60,000 each year that I was on the philanthropy board, and fortunately it’s a cause that Zeta continues to raise awareness for to this day.

I have also taken part in a handful of races for the cure, some in the states and some in Canada. This year I have signed up for the CIBC Race for the Cure, which takes place virtually on October 3rd. You can donate by clicking the link here ooooorrrrrr through another option – my fundraising auction!

I have decided to put several of my weavings up for auction where there will be a required shipping fee, but all other proceeds will go straight to my fundraising for the Race for the Cure.

For this first round I am auctioning off three different weavings, all with lots of texture and beautifully handcrafted by me! 🙂



I will share the details on Facebook and Instagram starting tomorrow, so be sure to check it out! Make sure you share it will your friends and family so that we raise as much money as possible. 

As always, thanks so much for the support and I hope you have a lovely day. <3

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