Hey y’all and welcome back! I mentioned in my last post how I took a year-long hiatus, and OMG a lot can happen in a year. There is so much to share that for now I am only going to list everything off. Some things I feel are more important to share about in great detail, and others are just worth briefly mentioning even though they still had a big impact on my life over the last year. Needless to say, you should keep ya eyes peeled for future posts if you are interested to know more. But now… for the main event… are y’all ready for these updates?!?!
Cause I don’t know if I am, tbh. 😜
Updates from September 2021 – September 2022:
- I went back to teaching math full time in September 2021 to grades 1-12 at my dream school.
- Keenan and I started trying for another baby in September 2021.
- One of the people I love the most, my grandpa, passed away January 2, 2022*.
- University of Georgia won the college football national championship. GO DAWGS! They won for my grandpa, I know it.
- We found out we were pregnant on February 25, 2022.
- I had a miscarriage the following week.
- We found out on April 23, 2022, a day before my birthday, that we were expecting again.
- I quit my job at said dream school the last week of June 2022.
- The summer of 2022 was busy with family visits, weddings, and job searching, but mostly with the decision to move back to North Carolina (!!!!!) in the spring of 2023.
- We found out we are having a baby boy and his due date is January 2, 2023*.
*It is not a coincidence that our sweet baby is due on the exact date I lost someone so dear to me. He is such an angel baby in every sense of the word and I am so thankful for him, my sweet boy.
As you can tell, a lot has happened and there is still more to come because, well, life. Lots of change, lots of life lost and gained, lots of hardship, but mostly lots of love for the life I have and I am creating with my beautiful family.
Can’t wait to share more with y’all soon! Thanks for tuning in!