I’m back babyyy!
Hey y’all and welcome back to Warm Beer, Cold Coffee after a year-long hiatus. As you may know, I was on maternity leave when I started writing this blog in February 2021. Once I went back to teaching full time in September 2021, the blog took a back seat. As much as I wanted to continue writing regularly, my family and job took precedence. But guess what, I’m back baby!
When I first started the blog I had high hopes on making it a super legit thing, or what I deemed to be a super legit thing at least. Publishing three times a week, using the correct tags, constantly taking blog worthy pictures, blah, blah, blah. But now, I just wanna post for the sake of posting.
It’s funny, I never considered myself to be a writer… I mean I teach math for a reason. But I have always considered myself to be a conversationalist. And I’ve always been an open book, sharing about my life without filters, or at least minimal filters, in order to really connect with people. After a year off the blog, I realized that I was really missing the conversational outlet it provided me, especially after having Andee (that’s my beautiful, perfect, and spicy baby girl).
So here we are. My plans for the blog this time are not the same, and I’m actually so pumped for that. This time around I’m only going to write when I feel like writing, and I’m going to do it for, you guessed it, me. So if you’re along for the ride, saddle up baby. I gotta lotta updates comin’ at ya soon.
Much love y’all! <3