Hey there y’all! Thanks for poppin’ in to check out another On the Menu Monday. Today was a big day in our house as Andee started daycare. Of course she went right in, gave hugs to everyone and instantly started playing. Let’s just say I am one proud mama. 😊
I am working to figure out my new schedule with Andee in daycare and me back at work. Andee will need to eat dinner right when we get home. So I’m having to become a bit more creative in finding meals that are quick to prep and Andee friendly, though she does eat just about anything!
And, as I mentioned, I am back to work this week after 14 months of being off for summer break mixed with maternity leave. So I am also having to make sure I pack my lunches now instead of just eating Andee’s scraps. Lol! So wish me luck as I adjust to our new routine!
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (33)
We are kicking this week off with Keenan’s signature chili, which is easy to make and easy to pack for leftovers. Andee can eat this, though I have to be prepared for her to get a little messy with it.
Similar in mess for Andee is the chickpea curry I going to make. I have made chickpea curry a lot in the past 6 months or so, but my sister-in-law sent me a different recipe* to try. The main difference between her recipe and mine and that hers doesn’t include tomatoes whereas mine does.
I am also trying a chicken and dumpling crockpot recipe** for the first time. I loooovvvveee chicken and dumplings, and I’m going to try to make great use of my crockpot now given our new schedule.
And on the crockpot note… what do y’all think of an instapot? Is it worth it? Plleeeeeaassseee help a girl out! Thanks for reading, and happy day y’all!