Warm Beer, Cold Coffee

Motherhood | Lifestyle | Healthy Living

On the Menu Monday

On the Menu Monday

Hey there y’all and welcome back. What a busy, busy week we’ve had in the Piller household. And it only gets busier for the next two months. 😬 This past week Andee and I drove three hours to Medicine Hat to visit her grandparents. We stayed over night and then rushed home to get lots of things done. Then on Saturday we had a neighborhood house crawl, and I gotta tell ya, we literally have the best neighbors. I am SO happy with our little community and can’t wait to experience more things with the people around us.

BTW, if you are curious what the feature picture is on this post, it is banana pudding. My mom made this almost on a weekly basis during the summer when I was young. So I made it to take to our neighborhood crawl. You can find the recipe in my “Keri’s Kitchen” highlights on my Instagram. I promise you won’t regret making it. 😊


Weekly Meal Plan Menu (29)


I know I’ve already mentioned it, but this week is another crazy one. Today is our seven year wedding anniversary, and I couldn’t be anymore in love with Keenan and the life we are creating. But life gets so crazy with a child in tow, so we aren’t really doing anything other than having some yummy fried rice. Which… I will be sharing Keenan’s recipe for this in a few weeks. So keep ya eyes peeled!

On Tuesday we are having some friends over for a games night and we’re gonna have salmon burgers and an apple and goat cheese salad. On Wednesday we have another friend flying in from Vancouver, so we’re gonna grill out with some pork chops, corn and salad. Then on Thursday, the boys leave for a bachelor party, so it’s just me and Andee Lynn until Sunday night when Keenan gets back.

To keep it easier on myself, I am going to make some tuna salad on Thursday that I can then eat for lunches over the next few days and maybe again for dinner one night while Keenan’s gone. And I’m gonna treat myself (because why the heck not!) and order some take out on Friday. Then when Keenan gets back in town, we’re keep life simple and having a frozen pizza and a bagged salad. It’s all about finding the balance with eating healthy and making life easier to manage.

How is your summer shaping up to be? Is it as busy as ours? If so, I hope you enjoy every second of it, but also find a chance to breathe every now and then. As always, thanks for reading and happy day y’all!

3 thoughts on “On the Menu Monday

  1. I always love these posts which I’m sure you know because I always say so in the comments. Lol. I like to see how you balance a busy lifestyle with healthy eating… so hard to do but you nail it!

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