Hey, hey all you lovely people! Thanks for poppin’ in to read today’s post titled, “What’s in My Diaper Bag?” As mamas (and dadas too), there are a whole lot of things to figure out; be it planning a meal, thinking about a sleep schedule, worrying about your baby’s poops, and much, MUCH more. And guess what, a diaper bag is definitely one of those things!
When I was pregnant, my dad and step-mom bought me several items from Parker Baby Co as a baby shower gift. I had never heard of this company before, but after using some of their products and checking out their social media, I fell in love! They are a family owned business that basically created different products that they themselves needed for their own littles. Their mission is “to provide accessible and exceptional products to parents while supporting them through faith and community.” What’s not to love about that?
Anywho, on to “what’s inside my baaaaggg”. (If you didn’t watch my Instagram reel, then you might be clueless about that quote. Lol!)

A couple of essential things for me with picking out the perfect diaper bag was 1) it needed lots of pockets for organization and 2) it needed to be gender neutral so that Keenan and I both would feel comfortable using it. Well, lucky for us this diaper bag as TONS of pockets; lots that you can see on the outside, and also lots you can’t see (in this picture) on the inside. And I don’t think you can get anymore gender neutral than tan and grey. So I was very happy with this bag from the get go. Now, let’s check out what I keep in this thang.
Insulated Pockets
There are two insulated pockets, one on each side of the bag. On one side I keep Andee’s extras like water wipes for her fingers and face, Penaten diaper rash cream, Aveeno baby eczema cream and Oval. Eczema is really common for babies here in Calgary (thanks dry, cold weather!), so the eczema cream is essential. I have found that the Aveeno brand works the best for Andee, and I use their eczema bath wash and baby lotion for her as well. We use to use Oval a lot when Andee was younger to help with her tummy, but we haven’t used it in a long time. I still keep it in my bag though, just in case.

I keep the other insulated pocket empty and only fill it with a cold water bottle when we are about to head out of the house. When Andee was still drinking formula, I would often put either a premade bottle or an extra bottle filled with water for formula to be added into later. Basically it’s my liquid holder.
Small Pockets
There are two smaller pockets on the front of the bag. I keep extra masks in one of them and my keys and phone in the other. I have organized it differently at times where I use to put some of my wallet items in one of these pockets, but I have found that I prefer it the way I just mentioned.
Medium Pocket
There is a medium pocket that is assessible by undoing the magnetic straps and lifting the “cover”. (I’m not sure if “cover” is the best way to describe it, but I’m sure y’all know what I mean.) This is where I keep all of my “mom” stuff like gum, hand sanny, eye drops, lip balm and migraine medication. I realized when writing this post that I am missing one key thing though… tampons! Ain’t it fun being a girl? 😒 I will add those in ASAP because… ya. I also keep my wallet and sunglasses in this pocket because I feel like my wallet is extra safe here.

Main Pocket
The main pocket is where I keep extra things like a blanket, toy(s) and teether, wash cloth, waterproof picnic blanket and sunscreen for Andee. I also throw in some extra clothes when we are leaving the house, which I then take out once we get home. She rarely needs a change of clothes when we’re out, so I don’t like to leave an outfit in her bag that she could potentially wear at a different time.

I also keep some food for Andee and myself in the main pocket. Pictured below are several different food items I regularly keep for her in this bag – cheerios, pouch, granola bars and Mum Mums. Notice all of these food items are long lasting/not really perishable. So if she doesn’t need to eat while we are out, I don’t have to worry about emptying her food items. I can just keep ’em in there for next time! I also keep some granola bars or fig bars for myself just in case we are out and I can’t get food for myself. I haven’t had to rely on this extra food for myself too much, but I am grateful that it’s there the few times I have had to use it.

And no diaper bag would be complete with out the obvious… drum roll please… diapers… duh! In one of the many organizational pockets/pouches inside the main pocket is where I keep diapers and wipes. I usually have about 5+ diapers in her bag at all times, and obviously I pack more if we are going to be out for a longer period of time.
Open Pocket in Back
On the outside of the bag, there is a big open pocket in the back. This is where I keep a waterproof change pad and a wet dry bag. Clearly the waterproof change pad has been incredibly useful, but I have found the wet dry bag to be a MUST! This is where I put dirty diapers, clothes or wash clothes as opposed to putting them inside her bag. It’s lined with waterproof plastic, so it’s super easy to clean. That said, make sure you remember to clean it out! Lol! I know from experience. 😜

I have adjusted the things I carry in my diaper bag only slightly in this first year of being a mom. Since Andee eats solids now and doesn’t drink formula any more, the need for extra bottles and formula is no longer necessary. This is probably the main adjustment I have made. Though, I should probably add a bib for her now! All that said, I am curious how the things in this bag will change once we start going out and about more (i.e., when COVID kicks rocks) and as Andee gets older.
Do you keep some of the same items in your bag? Am I missing anything that you deem essential? Let me know about it in the comments below! Happy day y’all!