Morning y’all and welcome back to another On the Menu Monday where I share our weekly meal plan. The weather in Calgary is suppose to be beautiful all week long and then kinda crummy over the weekend. But I am so looking forward to these sunny days with Andee bear. 🙂
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (22)You’ll notice we have lots of things that we are going to be grilling this week – salmon burgers, chicken, shrimp, pork tenderloin and asparagus. I’ve mentioned before, but Keenan is a pro at grilling so I cannot wait to eat all this food this week!
We’re also having lots of salad variations this week. There’s just something about warmer weather that instantly makes me want a nice, refreshing bowl of greens. For the grilled chicken and raspberry salad we are using butter lettuce and topping it with chicken and raspberries (duh) as well as goat cheese, green onion, cucumber and avocado. We like to make our own dressings, so I am thinking I will make a sweet vinaigrette to go with it.
For the rotisserie chicken sandwich and salad, we like to buy yummy buttered buns and add chicken, mayo, pickles, salt and pepper to make a super easy and minimal mess meal. We’ve had this meal more times than I can count, but it never disappoints. We always have left over chicken as well, so this will be an easy protein to feed Andee along with some fruit and veggies.
As for the Mediterranean orzo salad, I will mostly be following *this recipe. Keenan is not a fan of olives, but I love em. So we’ll have those on the side. I am not a fan of red bell pepper (I’ve had several migraines after eating them, so I usually steer clear of them), so we are doing green bell pepper instead. We are also going to add grilled shrimp to this salad. I am excited to have this as leftovers as well!
And lastly, we had chicken and bean quesadillas last week, and they were just tooooooo good to not have again this week. They are so incredibly easy to make and super filling. As a side note, I had a quesadilla maker growing up and I am dying to get one again. We are planning on renovating our kitchen soon, and once we do so we will have more storage space for items like a quesadilla maker… and a waffle maker. But I digress. Hehe 🙂
What’s on your menu this week? Is the weather nice where you are at? Let me know if the comments below. And as always, happy day y’all! <3