Morning y’all and welcome back! The weather in Calgary was absolutely beautiful this past weekend, so we spent lots of family time outside. We had a picnic in our backyard with another baby on Saturday and Andee and I played in her pool on Sunday. It was a fabulous weekend! But remember how I said Calgary weather can be super janky at times? Well the forecast for this upcoming weekend is SNOW! Like what?!?! Anyway, I’m glad all the meals I chose for this week are to be cooked inside and not on the grill. So let’s dive into it!
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (20)Basically every single meal I chose this week is great for leftovers, other than the pizza and salad. My mother-in-law gave us a frozen turkey recently, so we are going to cook it one night this week. Then we will use some of the left overs to make turkey salad sandwiches. This will also be good for mine and Keenan’s lunches.
On Tuesday my plan is to make a pasta with broccoli following a recipe from *It All Begins with Food (US link here), but we like to add shrimp to it. It’s basically basil, peas and broccoli on a curly noodle with nutritional yeast and lemon juice on top. It’s super easy to make and very yummy.
We are also going to make a beef soup with lots of veggies that my Grandmama always made me. We are actually going to use ground pork instead of ground beef, but it feels weird to call it pork soup for some reason. Maybe it’s because I just know it and love it as “my Grandmama’s beef soup”. Lol! I would always ask her to make this for me for my birthday when I was in university. I would freeze a lot of it and eat it randomly so that I would feel a little bit of home and comfort whenever I was feeling low.
And it seems like I am always making the chickpea curry recipe from **Simple Vegan Blog, but it’s just so easy and so yummy that it has become a regular staple in our house. I really like that I only have to chop up an onion, some garlic and some ginger and the rest is basically from a can. So it’s very little prep work with only a cutting board, knife and pot for clean up.
What are y’all’s plans for the week? Have you tried any new recipes lately? I’d love to hear about it if so! Hope y’all have a lovely day!
Always love reading what you are eating… which sounds a bit weird when you think about it. Lol. Seriously, your menus are inspiring!
Thank you!!!