Morning and welcome to another On the Menu Monday!
Last week we had planned to have four meals from Hello Fresh, but life happened and plans changed throughout the week. Keenan ended up going to his dad’s for dinner one night and I ordered take out sushi (it was yum!). We also had family over for dinner over the weekend. Keenan bought a new grill recently, and he made some bomb a$$ wings. Like literally, they are the best wings I’ve ever had.
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (11)Because plans changed a bit, we ended up having two meals left over for this week from Hello Fresh*. So far I have been really pleased with the recipes and the quality of food that comes with Hello Fresh. I will say though that it is not great for left overs for me throughout the week. So I’ve had to make do with random lunches, like PB&J. But honey I don’t mind a good PB&J every now and then. It takes me back to my grade school days.
We also are making my favorite recipe from It All Begins with Food** – Shepherd’s Pie. It’s so yummy and easy to make. It’s also GREAT for left overs. (If you can’t tell, I’m a big fan of left overs.) The only problem is we are missing a bag of groceries from when Keenan went to the store this weekend. We don’t know if the bag just didn’t end up in the cart or what happened. We just know that Keenan paid for some produce and it is no where to be found. LOL So we will have to make a quick stop to pick up a few things for our meals this week.
Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to crush it this week! Cheers and happy Monday!