Hey y’all! Thanks for tuning in today! You may know that Keenan and I didn’t find out the gender of our baby while pregnant. It was so fun to just dream of a life with a baby regardless of their gender. I had no gut feeling on the gender and no true desire for our baby to be either a boy or a girl. I just wanted a happy, healthy baby.
Well, when Andee was born and Keenan announced that she was a girl, my heart exploded! I remember saying to Keenan that she was exactly what I needed. Maybe I would have felt that way regardless, but I cannot even put into words how complete I felt and still feel having a little mini-me roaming around.
Aside from adoring the crap outta Andee and just thinking that I am the luckiest mom in the world on a daily basis, I have LOVED dressing her up. Now I am not one of those people that dresses myself up regularly. It’s rare that I put on makeup or do anything with my hair other than put it up in a bun in like 2.5 seconds. It’s not because I don’t like dressing up though; it’s purely because I am too lazy to get all done up regularly. But girl, you better believe that when the mood hits, I look damn good!
Now back to Andee – she is like a little doll for me and dressing her up on occasion is SO. MUCH. FUN! This is especially true now that her hair is getting longer and I can style it as well.
My goal with Andee’s Fashion Files is to simply share all the cuteness that comes along with my baby girl. So for this first posting, I am going to share some pictures from when Andee was super young (think 0-3 months of age). Please don’t judge the picture quality – pictures of a newborn are always funny looking. Rather, enjoy the adorableness that’s about to appear on your screen. 🙂
Hope these pictures brightened up your day as much as it did mine!
I idolize her
She is the best.