Warm Beer, Cold Coffee

Motherhood | Lifestyle | Healthy Living

On the Menu Monday

Hey y’all! It feels like it’s been forever since I last wrote a blog post when in reality it’s only been about a week. We had been moving, which is always hectic, so I failed to post an “On the Menu Monday” last week. And I also basically failed to follow the plan I had laid out for the week before. Annnndddd here we go with a Monday menu post, but on a Tuesday. Such is life, right?


We finally have our kitchen set up at our new place (did I mention we are homeowners now?!?!?!?), and I had a chance to run to the grocery store on Sunday. So I’m super stoked to get back into the routine of cooking at home. We have always shopped at Safeway for groceries, but the one by our new house is unreal. It feels so much bigger and nicer than all the other Safeway’s I have shopped at in the past. I think Sunday grocery shopping might become a highlight of each week for me. Sorry Keenan – that’s now my weekly chore! 😉


Weekly Meal Plan Menu (7)


This week we are keeping it somewhat simple with some of our regular go-to’s – chili, taco salad, pizza, etc. The pasta with hemp hearts from *It All Beings with Food has also become one of our staples, and it is great for leftovers. I know I keep referring to this cookbook, but it is excellent! If you haven’t looked it up yet, I highly recommend doing so – espcially if you have littles to feed as well. And as I mentioned in a post from a few weeks ago, we will try Nasi Goreng on Saturday, which we never actually got around to making before. I’m tellin’ y’all – it was quite a week (or two) for us. Lol


Anyway, I am happy to be back posting and sharing our life with you. Update me please – I wanna hear how meal prepping is going for you! Happy day, y’all!

2 thoughts on “On the Menu Monday

  1. Love seeing your menus no matter what day of the week you post them. I started planning my meals this week and so far so good! I’m proud of myself… even if I only managed to tackle Day 1. Lol. Glad you are back!

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