Seeing that we are more than half way through February (umm what??) I thought I’d share an update on my goals for the month.
- Complete four of Cass’s workouts – My goal was to complete four of Cass’s workouts each week, which I can proudly say I have stuck to quite well! I think it makes a huge difference when you find workouts you actually like because it helps you stay motivated. I like that there are four longer (40ish minutes) and three shorter (15ish minutes) workouts to choose from each week and no workout is the same. High five to me on this one and thanks to Cass Olholm and the Sweat App for keeping me motivated!
- Run three times a week – Well…this one has been a bit harder to complete. I stuck with it for the first week of February annnndddd then a cold snap hit. Like I’m talkin really cold. Like the high without wind chill was -20 Celsius or -2 Fahrenheit. Add wind chill and it was much, much colder. So nah, ya girl ain’t runnin outside in that! So instead of beating myself up over something out of my control…like the weather, I decided to just complete a few more of Cass’s workouts! Although I haven’t fully followed this goal to a t, it’s still something I aim to do now that it has warmed up a bit.
- Drink more water – Now this one I have stuck with quite well, and have found that I truly do feel better when I drink more water. I’ve also found that I tend to drink water more at night rather than in the morning. So I might make it a goal to space my water intake out throughout the day more for next month. This will keep me from waking up in the middle of the night to pee constantly. Oh how I hate interrupted sleep…did ya hear that Andee? Lol! JK, she’s a great sleeper and I love her. 🙂
- Wash my hair more – I’ve more or less been pretty good with this goal too. After I posted this as one of my goals, I thought I might should share some insight about my hair washing routine so that you can see why it can be such a challenge for me. Curly hair is pretty low maintenance until wash day. Add curly bangs into the mix and your talking even more maintenance on wash day. So what does wash day look like for me? Well I shampoo and massage my scalp really well, then condition and detangle while the conditioner is in, then apply a deep conditioner and let it sit for about 10 minutes while I do the rest of my shower routine. Once all that is done, I rinse, add gel and a bit of volumizer to my roots, then quickly hop out of the shower to finish the rest of my routine. I use a t-shirt to scrunch my hair up while pulling out some of the water and then clip my roots in place. I let that sit for about 10-15 minutes before I diffuse my hair. I must make sure it is completely dry, especially with Andee, because any touching of the hair while almost dry causes major frizz. So this is why I cannot go to be with my hair wet either. As you can see, it’s quite a process and not one that’s super easy to implement with a baby in tow. So I haven’t washed my hair twice per week per say, but I have washed it about every five days instead of every seven. That’s progress and I’ll take it.
1) Before shower – be glad you can’t really see anything other than my face mask 2) Clips in place 3) Dry and a little help from makeup - Be quicker to forgive – Wow, this one has been so great my mental health. I find that I still tell Keenan when something is bothering me, but really try to accept his apology the first time. Having this as a goal and present in my mind constantly has really allowed me to not dwell on the negative. I’ve been happier and more focused on the tasks at hand rather than little annoyances. I will continue to practice this and make more goals like this for the future. I haven’t talked to Keenan about it specifically, but I’m sure he notices a difference as well. Man, it feels good to feel good in your relationship. If you are reading this Keenan, know that I love you boo!
Did any of you set February goals? Drop a note below and let me know how they are going for you. I’d love to hear it and support you on your journey!