Welcome y’all! For the past six months I have been on maternity leave with my baby girl, Andee Lynn. I am fortunate enough to have 13 months at home with her before starting back for the 2021-2022 school year. Being at home has been great for so many reasons. I get to help my baby grow and develop, I can easily make her homemade food, I can always be the person to care for her and so much more. If you’ve noticed, I’ve listed things all about my baby. But being home has also be rewarding for me. It’s allowed me to pick back up with an exercise routine after being hugely pregnant, keep on top of chores and not change out of my pj’s if I don’t want to. Did someone say no bra…? Count me in!
While there are many positives to being at home, it has also brought about hardships. It can be lonely, especially when you are craving adult conversation and all the adults you know are working. It also tends to be the same routine day in and day out. And I can’t forget to mention that I am extremely busy, yet completely free! This mom thing has some weird dichotomies.
So if I am so busy why in the world am I starting a blog? Well, that is a simple answer for me. I am a person that thrives off of having a full schedule. I like having a to-do list. I like having something to work on. In fact, I tend to go a little stir crazy if I have a lack of a schedule. Just ask my husband how the beginning of each summer break goes in our household. So here we are!
No, I don’t know all the answers to things and no, I am not an expert on everything I share. But I am pretty damn proud of the life I have created and want to communicate that with you all. I’m looking forward to growing with this community as I myself grow. So let’s freakin’ do this!